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Mommy and Me Group Classes

Image by krakenimages

Individualized Session Goals

It is our goal to get your little on communicating! Prior to the start of your session, we will inquire about your goal/s.  Some examples include having your child use more words, having your child sit in a group activity for longer periods of time, or increasing your child's social development. We will incorporate these individualized goals into the group session. 




Dress Comfortably!


When communicating and interacting with children, it is essential to be at eye level for increased engagement. Dress comfortably because we will be taking things down to their level and sitting on the floor!





Railroad Set

Class Size and Model 



We keep our classes small and on an intimate level with each child in order to maximize weekly gain progress.  Classes are grouped a session rather than a "drop-in" model because each class is a building block of the prior class(es).  

Strategies to Use at Home

Each week there is a targeted  SIMPLE SPEECH STRATEGY that can be easily incorporated into your routine at home to help carry-over progress learned in class.    Carry-over activities are simple strategies that will fit  right into daily routines such as meals, bath time, outdoor play, etc.

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